Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Michelle Wie - I salute you!

What is it with Golf?
Jason thought it was about time I bring out my golf gloves again. Sheesh, that made me sound like a pro. The truth is, some months back, I decided to try it out, and be a real Jack of all trades, master of none. Perhaps it was going to be something I can possibly do alright in, since it doesn't involve a lot of stamina to run around a football field, nor will it get my arms and wrists all sore from whacking that volleyball.
Truth is, it's much harder than it looks. Ball, club, club the ball. *EhhhTtTT* Wrong! You have to keep your feet wide apart, straighten your left arm, tilt forward, eyes on the ball, all that kinda thing. I only managed to send a ball flying up and straight on my third time at the driving range. That's about after a hundred balls crawling pathetically out of my reach to pick it up and give it a good smacking. Well, well, with my tremendous progress, I can hit the golf course in only about 10 years!
I don't know why I stopped going to the driving range. It was probably side-stepped by other more worrying events like friends' weddings, birthdays and the official opening of a new blouse. BUT last night, I was adamant about getting it right. To start it all off, I forgot my gloves, so we had to head back to get my gloves. Jason must have thought I'm trying to buy time. For the first time in my lengthy golf career, I almost swung the golf club into the air and had it flying further than any of the balls I hit. Almost. But no, I didn't do it Ernie's way. It would have been funny. Today's headlines would probably have read, "Man killed by stray golf club" or "Man killed by stray woman" or "Cars damaged in shopping complex by rogue golfer-no balls found"...and next thing you know, they'll ban all golfers from wearing any gloves so that killers can be identified via finger print.
I did manage to get a few good shots. About 6 out of 50 balls, I think. Hey, maybe if I go again in 6 months' time, I might improve. Bleah.

Since I am so new to the blogging scene, I excitedly told my sister about my blog. And Voila! ...she says "I've got one too, and your pics are all over it" Hey, don't come back to Malaysia so soon k... you can check out her blog on the link on the right of this page.

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