Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Doggone it...!!

I went to Ikano over the weekend to the Pet Safari. Again. To see the Siberian Husky puppy. Again. She looked so gorgeous it was like the epitome of perfection. I whispered to her that I'd bring her home if she didn't cost a bomb. A friend who saw the same puppy nicknames it LapTop, saying for RM3588 you can already buy a LapTop. But back to the place, it was swarming with animal lovers, or people who got the wrong directions to the zoo. People were gaping with their mouths wide open at the little puppies on display (I say this in disgust... how'd you like it if your babies were caged in a glass box for all to see?) Shih Tzus, Beagles, Labradors... oh the cute lot.
But don't get me wrong, I'm no animals rightist who parades naked in the street against Paris Hilton or JLo wearing some skunk on their shoulders. I am a dog lover, I hate cats, I can bear with rabbits and tortoises, I scream at the sight of snakes and frogs, and I absolutely detest fish (I'd talk about my fish phobia, but perhaps some other time). Why else would I have gone there in the first place? It would have made more sense had my sister been around and I needed a cage for her... I was there to shop around for little things for my dog. *makes mental note to bring her there some time, how come only pedigree dogs go there and get all the attention?*
When I got home, I was greeted by my ever loyal dog, Joey. Her short little tail wags with glee, and her ears perk up whenever she sees me. As I stared at her, vivid images of that cute little Siberian Husky started flashing through my mind. Ok, so Joey's not THAT cute. So she's not even pedigree, big deal.

But my dog is one cute mongrel okay... she can do all sit-jump-hand-heel tricks, and she's much smarter and livelier than that dumbass chow-chow (smelly smelly) next door who gives muffled barks throughout the night, doesn't do any tricks, and spends most of his life sprawled on the floor playing dead. Oh wait, maybe he really IS dead... all those nights his barking kept my mom awake has finally taken a toll on her, she bought some arsenic.....
Note: *It's not fair what, how come people call mongrels "pariah" and all, but when they see a caucasian, they go like "aiyoh, he mixed you know"... same same what

Sis: That picture I owe you about Joey's new house:

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