Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas List (part 1)

I can't believe it's year end already. Being kept busy really seems to make life short.Somehow I don't remember how the Christmas tree tradition started at home, but I guess any occasion that brings the family together is good.Last year I had a silver and blue tree, and the year before was probably the less adventurous red and gold.Sigh, end of the year, a time to reflect. All these Christmas carols really get to me, like "He knows if you've been bad or good..."

So here's my practical Christmas wishlist :

10. New shades

9. a 2009 organizer

8. a big basket of strawberries

7. Daniel Craig?

6. a friggin bluetooth handsfree that actually works

5. a new phone

4. manicure

3. a bucket of Baskin Robbins Butter Pecan

2. ipod

1. another Holiday

Here's the idealistic Christmas wishlist :
10. a radiant complexion sigh.

9. decent clients (dont even need to be good sigh)

8. a new work cubicle (noticed I said idealistic?)

7. a calorie-free day

6. my dog, Joey, could talk

5. no more stray cats and dogs

4. a quiet, uninterrupted Sunday

3. more than 24 hours in a day

2. For the first time I mean it, world peace

1. Turn back time

It's now 1am and I really wish I can turn back time, cos I'm so gonna trudge through the day when I drag my ass to work with my sleepy face right next to it cos my neck is so stiff Imma gonna snap it real soon just to put myself out of misery.

Ok enough of verbal diarrhea.


KY said...

haha i give u planner ok?
if i don't get any i'll make one for u mehlin!

Marilyn said...

Cheh I thought you gimme Daniel Craig...

KY said...

he could be gay, i have to check with Robb first.