Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm a Cross person

Yah well.

The first impression I usually give strangers is that I'm in a bad mood. They'd usually do very patronizing greetings, then try to steer clear of me as long as I don't break out into a smile.

Sometimes, just for the fun of it, I don't smile till they leave.

The fact is, I'm BORN looking like that. And at least I know that.

When I was younger, adults would always chide me and say "Cheer up, kiddo" or "Don't look so sad la". I'd just nod. If you happen to be one of those adults, let me tell you the truth : I WAS NOT SAD OK!

As I grew older, I began to think that maybe people think that way because I didn't smile enough. So I attempted to. Then people said I look mischievous, because I had a sinister smile.

People are so hard to please.

Now that I am much older, I gave up trying. And even adapted this "angry" thing into my personality. So I'm angry at work. Angry at home. Angry when driving. Angry when hungry. Angry when Streamyx lag so much my Maplestory character is crawling. Angry when it doesn't rain.

I'm so angry that I write nasty emails to people I deal with at work. I'm so angry that I blast the honk when people get in my way on the road. I'm so angry that I just am.

So Anger is now my middle name. Don't copy me la Tim. Simply anger anger all.

Now tell me, do I really look angry?

Most unsmiling picture ever.


Nicholas Chay said...


Anonymous said...


you is angsty person, like me!!!??!!
:D :D

wah i see a gap in between 2006 and 2008 hurhurhurhurhur

Anonymous said...
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