Monday, March 31, 2008

You can tell how old I am from the things I say

I'm at a spa. And I'm not happy. How can?About 3 years back, I discovered this spa when hunting for a Mother's Day-come-birthday gift for the mother. We could spend a whole day here, with a jacuzzi, sauna and steam bath, a massage, and best of all, free flow of food and beverages. And so it goes that this was a nice place to wind down and relax, sleep in disposable underwear and just..... lay motionless. I was very supportive of this place. The manager called me from time to time, and offered me packages for 20pax,and even invited me to their Open Day. Heck, we even had Carolyn's hen party here.

Sigh.So how did it come to this? Urbanization loh. As this place grew, more people started to come. In order to accommodate more people, the quality suffered. The service became bad. The place became noisy. Men from China checked out my huge glorious ass as I trudged around in my disposable underwear (under a dressing robe la). The food variety dwindled. And now it sucks to be here.
And why am I here? Because of that 20-pax package we bought la -.-
So I sulk here in this corner of a room, while I blog about my dissatisfaction with this place, still wearing that disposable underwear, still wearing THEIR dressing robe, lazing on THEIR sofa, while I contemplate, again this time of year, what to get the mother for her birthday.
Mind you, this is no ordinary mother. She's worked for so long that she is.. to be politically correct, "financially independent" and she can afford most things on her own. So many years as her daughter has taught me to STILL buy the ordinary stuff, but SELL it to her at a different angle. Hehe.
Jewellery? Perfume? Clothes? Bird's nest? Been there, done that. Then again, whatever I buy is still not going to beat what the sister is buying. And because the sister is buying that gift, I now find myself planning hard to save for a trip to Denmark. Sis, I only got three months to save wei... seiseisei.
I think for the mother's birthday, I buy dinner only la. Throw her a McD's birthday party or something. I can feel my wallet turning sour. It's starting to twist and wretch, fighting to keep a single sen from going out.
Whatever I initially saved to buy a new camera is now dumped into the "Send Marilyn to Denmark Fund", not to mention buying a new damn water filter for the house! Why why why am I paying super a lot of money to Indah Water and my water still has little green and brown monsters swimming in it? Are they the cause of my migraines? My sore throats? My dog's increased aggression towards rats?
I have so many things to think about.
So it'd be a pictureless blog for a while, while I figure out this money thing. Maybe it's time to start digging into my old photo collection...
Ok, time to get out of this place, before my disposable underwear disintegrates.