Friday, August 29, 2008

Learning to keep my mouth shut

There's probably been a gazillion times where I said things too fast, said things I shouldn't have said, or simply blurted out very unsmart comments. And all of these times, I mentally pictured slapping myself on the cheeks for my moment of stupor.


Just like those times I told jokes that doesn't seem so funny anymore the moment they left my lips. Or COMPLETELY forgetting after attending a friend's father's funeral 3 weeks ago, then proceed to ask her if her father complains about her working hours. *slap slap slap*

Or the times I get so fused up because of a bad day or stupid people I meet along the way, that I start being a bloody tyrant in the office, screaming insults at imaginary people.

Or the time in front of a client, I made some indiscreet gay comment, having PRIOR knowledge about his sexual preference. Crap, I think I thought of a good comeback after that.

When I was younger, I would vehemently deny having ever said anything as foolish/inappropriate/dense/stupid/insensitive after having it slipped out of my big mouth only 2 seconds ago. Nope siree, not me loh.

NOW, aiyah forget it la. I have to realize that I am allowed to be stupid and inconsiderate. For the times that I'm aware of behaving stupidly and inconsiderate anyway.

But as they always say, and however unconvinced I am, SOMETIMES prevention is really better than cure. So instead of option 1) said something stupid, coverupcoverupcoverup, option 2) said something stupid, smile and admit being stupid .....

I should just learn to keep my mouth shut lor.

*Post written immediately after a booboo involving saying something stupid to my boss. Sorry Goldfinger.